Today's TC Thunder baseball game at South Sioux City has been postponed to tomorrow. Game will be at 3:00 PM and will be Varsity only.
10 months ago, Bruce Knaak
Look at that beautiful Pi Ratio of circumference to diameter! To celebrate Pi Day, why don’t you come “a-Round” to the LDNE Agriculture & Science Inquiry Showcase and see some of the awesome student research being performed. @lyonsdecatur
10 months ago, Paul Timm
#LDNESTEMresearch @Ldneaged @lyonsdecatur
#LDNESTEMresearch @Ldneaged @lyonsdecatur
TOMORROW NIGHT...come join us as Lyons-Decatur students share their research with the public. @lyonsdecatur @Ldneaged #LDNESTEMresearch
10 months ago, Paul Timm
@lyonsdecatur #LDNESTEMresearch
Thank you Platte Valley Equipment for a great experience today!
10 months ago, Kevin Anderson
PVE Academy
Senior Spotlight!
10 months ago, Braska Patterson
⚠️ AG WEEK IS ALMOST HERE ⚠️ 🌽 9-12 can participate 🏆 The best class wins a prize
10 months ago, Kevin Anderson
Ag Week is coming
Reminder: The Cougar Track & Field Store will be closing tomorrow! Order your Track & Field attire today! Go Cougars!
10 months ago, Kipp Schuler
Track Hoodie
We are eating the rainbow this morning! Thank you Ms Krissy for the delicious parfaits!
11 months ago, Ms Tina
The LDNE speech team is heading to Bancroft on Wednesday, March 13, for district competition. We would love to have lots of friendly faces in the audience. The speaking starts at 9 am.
11 months ago, Melissa Brokaw
Come join us as Lyons-Decatur students share their research with the public. @lyonsdecatur @Ldneaged #LDNESTEMresearch
11 months ago, Paul Timm
@lyonsdecatur @Ldneaged #LDNESTEMresearch
Senior Spotlight!
11 months ago, Braska Patterson
Shout out to these two Nebraska State FFA Star Finalists. Tate in Ag Placement and Brayden in Agribusiness will interview and be recognized as two of the twenty four Star Finalists across Nebraska in April. Congratulations and good luck!
11 months ago, Kevin Anderson
Star Finalist in Agricultural Placement
Star Finalist in Agribusiness
Secondary Parents and Guardians: you have received mail from our LDNE STEM Research students. We ask that you please read and consider helping our research students. Thanks!
11 months ago, Paul Timm
#LDNESTEMresearch @lyonsdecatur
7 Days until the Lyons-Decatur Agriculture & STEM Research Showcase!!! March 14th in the LDNE South Gymnasium 5-6:30 p.m. Come Join us and learn what 48 Jr. High and 13 High School Student Researchers have been exploring! #LDNESTEMreseaech @lyonsdecatur
11 months ago, Paul Timm
@lyonsdecatur #LDNESTEMresearch
@lyonsdecatur #LDNESTEMresearch
@lyonsdecatur #LDNESTEMresearch
@lyonsdecatur #LDNESTEMresearch
3's Preschool had a great time celebrating Dr. Seuss Week! We read "Put me in the Zoo" Monday and learned about the letter Z with our stuffed animals. We read "The Foot Book" and wore pajamas and silly socks, and sorted socks by size on Tuesday. Finally, we ended the week with Wacky Wednesday and did our small group activity with our papers taped to the bottom of our tables!
11 months ago, Sarah Birks
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Come join our family!
11 months ago, LDNE
Senior Spotlight!
11 months ago, Braska Patterson
Mr. Peatrowsky's 4th and 8th grade history classes enjoyed celebrating Nebraska's birthday on Friday. Kool-Aid is about as Nebraskan as it gets, and we had plenty! 
11 months ago, Morgan Peatrowsky
4th Grade
8th Grade
Secondary Parents and Guardians: you have received mail from our LDNE STEM Research students. We ask that you please read and consider helping our research students. Thanks!
11 months ago, Paul Timm
#LDNESTEMresearch @lyonsdecatur
The speech team would like to invite you to speech night on Tuesday, March 5. The speaking will begin at 6:30. All of our students will be presenting. Come and let us entertain you!
11 months ago, Melissa Brokaw