Please note the changes to the summer weights report times. There is now a different report time on Monday/Thursday than on Tuesday/Friday. No changes will be made to the Decatur shuttle pick-up or drop-off times.
over 1 year ago, Morgan Peatrowsky
How do you feed & water over 4,000 people in an hour? With these eager volunteers. We love the Beef State! There’s no place like Nebraska! @lyonsdecatur @NECattlemen @JimPillen #NECattlemensBall
over 1 year ago, Paul Timm
Thanks to Governor Jim Pillen for greeting some of the students before the meal
Important Dates: August 7th- 5:30pm- 7th-12th grade computer rollout/orientation (main gym) August 14th- 5:00-6:00pm- Pk-6th grade open house (classrooms) August 15th- 1st day of the 2023-2024 school year! Pk-12th (All Day) (More details to come in August)
over 1 year ago, LDNE
The Cougar Youth Volleyball Camp for 2023 was a success! Thank you to all that were able to attend.
over 1 year ago, Carrie Andersen
It's almost here! Cougar Youth Volleyball Camp!🏐 Please send your child with a water bottle & gym shoes. Also, please enter in the north doors & make your way to the gym.
over 1 year ago, Carrie Andersen
Please note with construction this summer, the main door on the west side of the building is closed. If you need to enter into the school, you will need to come to the north doors. All business offices have been relocated to the 3-story building for the summer. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Lindsey Beaudette
The FFA Officers are ready for a great COLT Conference and have already started planning the 2023-2024 year!
over 1 year ago, Kevin Anderson
2023-2024 Lyons-Decatur Northeast FFA Officer Team.
Congratulations to Caleb Schlichting for representing the Cougars one last time at state track! Caleb placed 6th in the 1600m today with a time of 4:42!! Also, congrats to all our Cougars that competed at Burke the last two days! Great work this season!
over 1 year ago, Braska Patterson
LDNE athletes had a great time testing last evening! Thank you to The Explosive Edge and their trainers for the nutrition presentation. It is sizing up to be a successful, healthy summer. Go Cougars!
over 1 year ago, Morgan Peatrowsky
State Track & Field shirts can be picked up today in Mrs. Grundmayer's room or tomorrow in the office!
over 1 year ago, Braska Patterson
Summer weights athletic testing is TODAY at 3:30 pm! Following this testing, at 5:30, there will be a nutrition / informational seminar presented by the Explosive Edge trainers about our new program. Parents are encouraged to attend. Go Cougars!
over 1 year ago, Morgan Peatrowsky
Strength and Speed Testing
Celebrating the end of the year with the annual FFA Picnic!
over 1 year ago, Kevin Anderson
Arts and Crafts at the picnic
Cornhole wizards
Arts and Crafts at the picnic
Arts and Crafts at the picnic
Peace Out 1st Grade!
over 1 year ago, Alexis Beavers
Congratulations Diana and Scott! We hope you enjoy your retirement.
over 1 year ago, Lindsey Beaudette
The RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD is crowned 2023 LDNE Migration Madness National Champion on #GlobalBigDay Votes came in from 30 states plus Canada & India. Thank you for voting & supporting my students' 5-week bird tournament To Learn more, go to:
over 1 year ago, Paul Timm
Just a reminder for all those you might be attending District golf in Pender on Monday. Here is the NSAA cart rental policy:
over 1 year ago, Bruce Knaak
We hope all current, new, and potential members can join us on Monday!
over 1 year ago, Kevin Anderson
FFA Picnic
VOTE IN THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP of LDNE's Migration Madness Tournament!!! Voting Link: Help my students obtain votes from all 50 United States & several foreign countries. @lyonsdecatur #ExplorerMindset
over 1 year ago, Paul Timm
These kiddos had their last day of 3's Preschool today! Miss Sarah and Mrs. P had a great year learning with you! We hope you have a safe and fun summer!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Birks
Last Day Hooray!
Remember State Track & Field shirts are available to order until 9:00 A.M Friday morning!
over 1 year ago, Braska Patterson