JV Girls and Boys in action tonight in Lyons! Go Cougars!
GO Cougars!
SCHEDULE CHANGE!!!! Thursday's HS girls BB game vs Tri County Northeast has be rescheduled to Saturday, January 14th starting at 1:00 PM.
There will be no games on December 22nd!
Tomorrow (Monday), all freshman are attending a Career Day at Northeast Community College. There will be a lot of walking outside! Please be sure your son or daughter is dress appropriately: stocking cap, gloves, appropriate shoes, jacket. Lunch is provided!
2022 Norfolk, NE Audubon Christmas Bird Count on the books. 53 species, 4 counties, 6-mile radius of Norfolk covered
@lyonsdecatur @NEGameandParks @NebraskalandMagazine
Congratulations to Juan 4th and Daven first! Daven avenged his only loss and beat the number 4 rated kid in class C
LDNE boys wrestling team beat Superior but lost a tough one to Oakland Craig going 1-1 tonight in Duals
SCHEDULE UPDATE!!! The LDNE vs Humphrey/LHF basketball games on Saturday, December 17 will now start at 1:30 PM with the JV boys playing 2 quarters. There will not be a JV girls game. Varsity games will follow the JV boys.
Winners of the Ugly Sweater Contest today were: 6a- Skylynn, 6P- Dakotta, 5th- Majenta, 4th-Paxton, 3rd- Kayelee, 2nd-Ezra, 1st- Hartley and K- Kyler
Tonights Basketball vs Howells-Dodge is played in DODGE!!!!!!!
Can't make it to tonight's HS wrestling Triangular with Oakland-Craig and Superior in Oakland??? Watch the matches on Oakland-Craig's STRIV TV channel! striv.tv/channel/oakland-craig
Superior's wrestling coach is no other and LDNE graduate Seth Going!
A visit from The Grinch this morning and our Family Gingerbread party this afternoon made an extra special day in 3's preschool!
The 7th-12th grade Band and Choir performed a dress rehearsal in front of the student body today .
They were fantastic !
(Mr. Timm even did a little directing!)
Join us tonight at 7:00 pm for the Band and Choir Holiday Concert !
Here are the Brackets for the Madison Holiday Basketball Tournament on Dec. 29-30. Games will be streamed the the Madison YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@madisonpublicschools9272/streams
Congratulations to our LDNE Student Athletes. The following were select for NSAA Academic All-State achievement for the Fall Activities.
Women’s wrestling team!
Men’s wrestling team!
Your 2022-2023 Cougars wrestling team! Sporting the new mat!
2022-2023 Boys Wrestling Schedule. Go Cougars!