3's Preschool had a wonderful morning outside enjoying the beautiful weather!
April 12th Voting Link: https://forms.gle/N7ELZrCE3E3ggTsCA Vote, Learn, Share!!! 2023 LDNE Migration Madness Tournament! @lyonsdecatur #ExplorerMindset #WeAreLDNE
The Cougar Golf team is at the Patriot Invite in Leigh today.
Here is a link for live scoring.
It's a kick up your heels for kindergarten move up day, kind of day!
Congrats Zach Hegge!
Here is the link to the heats of the 2023 Cougar Track Invite.
April 11th Voting Link: https://forms.gle/NnzNt3cFxksrWWnU7
Vote, Learn, Share!!!
2023 LDNE Migration Madness Tournament!
@lyonsdecatur #ExplorerMindset #WeAreLDNE
It's Pizza Time! The LDNE Girls Basketball team is selling Little Caesars Pizza Kits as a fundraiser to help pay for camps and warm-ups for next year. Use the QR code, find your favorite Girls Basketball player for their code, or click on the link below. The fundraiser will be open until May 3rd. Thanks for the support!!!! #gocougs https://fundraising.littlecaesars.com/fundraisers/support/88e71a38-bc10-4033-be9b-120af4804392
Parents, please make note of these upcoming PAWS dates.
Congratulations to Caleb and Daven for earning the Nebraska FFA Degree, the highest degree our association can bestow.
And our STATE CHAMPION Agriscience Fair team of Aubrey and Samantha will have their project forwarded to represent Nebraska at the National FFA Convention in the fall. Congratulations and Good Luck!
Our State Agriscience Fair Finalists found out their ratings this morning. Alexander in Animal Systems, Katie/Alizabeth and Eli in Social Systems all earned third place in the state this morning and Tavyanna earned a bronze finalist rating. Job well done!
It is our final week of "Raising the Bar" here at LDNE for the month of March. This week would like to recognize Mrs. Barber, Ms. Weiland, and Ms. Peters. Mrs. Barber is recognized for her positive attitude and willingness to volunteer and help everyone out. Ms. Weiland is recognized for her dependability and reliability. She is valued as a strong leader in our after school program. Ms. Peters is recognized for her dedication to her long-term sub position. Thank you for subbing here at LDNE, we appreciate everything you do. Congratulations Mrs. Barber, Ms. Weiland, and Ms. Peters!
Day 2 of the 95th Nebraska State FFA Convention. Elise earned state runner up honors in her proficiency area and the chapter was recognized with the Governors Agricultural Excellence Award and for the Farm Bureau Connecting Chapters. Looking forward to more results tomorrow.
Seniors! Please take advantage of the scholarships available (and that are also due on the 31st and beginning of April). Please communicate with Mrs. Mace if you need to turn them in on Monday instead of tomorrow. Email is fine. Thank you.
It's not often the jackets come off at State FFA Convention; however, the Living to Serve event last year packed over 84,000 meals for those in need around the world. Thanks to UBT, Orphan Grain Train, & those helping NE FFA members live out the FFA Motto! #LDNEFFA
Look at these future scholars! They decided to spend lunch recess researching the human body!
The Third Grade had Jordan Luxa visit our classroom for the program called Choose Health: Food, Fun and Fitness.
Sticking with our Cougar Culture theme ... the 3 year old preschoolers got to have a little fun in 4YEAR OLD prek class! 🎉🌈🦄. It was so much fun to meet next years class❣️
Deadline for Cougars Strength and Speed apparel orders is this Sunday, April 2nd, at midnight! Orders will be at school in late April. $2 of every purchase comes back to the school for weight room equipment needed! https://ldnesportandspeed2023.itemorder.com/shop/home/